Bundles of Protection

I have spent the last few weeks of winter making mothers’ amulet bundles.

Amulet Bundles for Childhood

These bundles are loosely constructed with found doll or infant clothing and small objects and charms. I have about a dozen so far, and I think I will present them in small groups. The bundles have been formed around board books that I get for fifty cents each at the library sale. These are meditations on motherhood.

I have enjoyed working at a smaller scale, and drawing from the detritus of scraps and found things in my studio.

QUILTING BY THE LAKE July 18-22, 2022

I have been honored with an invitation to teach at the Quilting by the Lake conference this year. My class is called Experimental Hand Stitching. Registration begins February 1, click here for more information!

Rediscover the pleasure of pulling a threaded needle through layers of cloth. Hand stitching can be used to make marks, define texture and create a rich and visually interesting surface design in fiber artwork. We’ll use materials we already have—the textile “keepings” of everyday life, to explore the possibilities of sewing mindfully by hand. The goal of this experimental journey is to develop a vocabulary of stitches and make personal connections to the process of creating. And by slowing down and working by hand, we may find a new path to well-being along the way.

Reading List

Here are a few titles I have enjoyed this month: Creatures of Passage, by Morowa Yejide; The Joy and Light Bus Company, by Alexander McCall Smith; Cloud Cuckoo Land, by Anthony Doehr, Five Tuesdays in Winter, by Lily King; Freedom, by Jonathan Franzen; Wish You Were Here, by Jodi Picoult